Tuesday, May 19, 2009

8 Months Old - Already!!!

Yes, Noah is growing up way too fast! He turned 8 months on May 13th and had chicken for the first time. He loved it! Noah can scoot himself backwards and get around pretty well, but still isn't doing any real crawling.

My first official Mother's Day was very nice. We had a yummy breakfast at my parents and I had a football game (which we didn't win - bummer) then we headed to my Aunt's for dinner. I received some beautiful cards and a Willow Tree figure. Since Daddy's foot is hurt and couldn't perform the proper pampering we are going to have another mother's day sometime down the road :o)

I keep telling Noah to stop growing up so fast, but he just isn't listening! Enjoy the latest photos...

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Tooth!

Noah cut his first tooth on Tuesday the 28th. He had been a bit fussy the week prior and I was actually hoping to see a tooth, so I would know that was the reason behind the fussiness. He's using that new tooth to eat cheerios - but still doesn't grasp the concept of picking them up and putting them in his mouth. We're going to have to work on him becoming just a tiny bit more independent.

Noah is still close to crawling. He has managed to scoot himself backwards twice now.

We have been enjoying going to the park on the nice days and he loves the swings! We also like to go to storytime and have playdates with Noah's friends. Most of the time these activities make him tired and he takes a good 1 - 2 hour nap which makes mommy very happy :o)

Our boy is quite the ham... he now turns towards me and smiles when I pull out the camera... enjoy the many pictures